Let's talk about a powerful attitude that can absolutely revolutionize your life: the winning attitude of faith. 1 John 5:4 (NIV) puts it this way:

"For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith."

Have you ever met someone who just seemed to radiate unshakeable confidence and peace, no matter what challenges they were facing? Chances are, that person had cultivated the winning attitude of faith. Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not yet seen (Hebrews 11:1). Faith is the unwavering belief in God's ability to fulfill His promises, regardless of circumstances that may indicate otherwise.

<aside> 💡 Key Point: Throughout Scripture, we see ordinary men and women accomplish extraordinary feats through the power of faith.


Noah built an ark before a single raindrop fell. Abraham left his homeland without knowing his destination. Moses confronted Pharaoh without an army behind him. Joshua marched around Jericho with nothing but trumpets and shouts. These heroes of faith acted on what they believed, not what they could see, and as a result, they overcame impossible odds and experienced miraculous breakthroughs.

The same spirit of faith that fueled their victories is available to us today. When we choose to view our situations through the lens of God's faithfulness instead of our own limitations, everything changes. Faith rises above discouragement and speaks to the mountains, commanding them to be cast into the sea. Faith looks past a daunting diagnosis and calls forth healing and wholeness. Faith gazes at an empty bank account and declares that provision is on the way.

Of course, operating with this kind of unwavering faith isn't always easy. We live in a fallen world where disappointments and delays can cause us to doubt God's goodness and power. That's why it's so important to continually feed our faith with the fuel of God's Word. As we meditate on His promises and the ways He's come through in the past, our faith in His character grows. Every testimony of His faithfulness builds our assurance that He'll do it again.

Faith also requires action. It's not enough to mentally assent to God's truth; we must act like it's really true in the way we pray, speak, give, and serve. When we take steps of obedience that align with His will, even when it doesn't make sense in the natural, He meets us with supernatural provision and power. Sometimes the greatest miracles happen on the far side of the most illogical instructions!

Another key to maintaining an attitude of faith is staying connected to the source of faith, Jesus Himself. He is the author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2), and as we abide in Him, His Spirit empowers us to believe beyond what we can see. In His presence, faith arises and fear falls away. The more we cultivate intimacy with Him, the more naturally we walk by faith and not by sight.

<aside> 💡 Key Point: Remember, faith is the victory that overcomes the world. No matter what challenges you're facing today, you can face them with bold confidence and expectation.
