Let's talk about a powerful posture that can absolutely transform your life: the attitude of expectancy. Ephesians 3:20 (NIV) puts it this way:

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us."

What are you expecting God to do in your life today? Are you living with a sense of anticipation and hope, or have disappointments and delays left you feeling discouraged and doubtful?

The attitude of expectancy is the confident assurance that God is working behind the scenes, orchestrating everything for your good and His glory, and it's a game-changer when it comes to experiencing the fullness of His blessings.

<aside> 💡 Key Point: Throughout Scripture, we see examples of men and women who dared to expect great things from God, even in the bleakest of circumstances.


Abraham believed God would give him a son in his old age. Moses expected God to part the Red Sea. Joshua anticipated the walls of Jericho falling down. Mary expected a virgin to conceive a child. These heroes of the faith weren't basing their expectations on their own abilities or track records, but on the limitless power and goodness of the God they served.

When we cultivate an attitude of expectancy, it shifts our focus from our problems to God's promises. Instead of fixating on what's lacking, we start looking for how God is moving and providing. We approach challenges with a sense of excitement, knowing that they're opportunities for Him to show up and show off. And we pray bold, audacious prayers, fully believing that He's able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.

Expectancy isn't a denial of reality or wishful thinking; it's a deep-rooted confidence in God's character and intentions toward us. It's the conviction that He is always good, always faithful, and always working things together for our ultimate benefit. When disappointments come (and they will), expectancy chooses to trust that God's timing and methods are perfect, even when they don't make sense in the moment.

Staying rooted in God's word is one of the keys to developing an expectancy attitude. As we meditate on His promises and the ways He's come through in the past, our faith grows, and our perspective shifts. We start to see every situation through the lens of His sovereignty and love, rather than our own limited understanding.

Another way to fuel expectancy is to surround ourselves with people who have a contagious faith. When we hear testimonies of God's faithfulness and provision in others' lives, it stirs up our own anticipation for what He wants to do in and through us. Constant reminders of the vastness and goodness of our God make it difficult to remain discouraged!