The key is to not get stuck in a negative mindset, like Cain who got trapped in the "GRRRRR!" of frustration and anger, leading to tragedy when his bad attitude went unchanged (see Genesis 3).

(When you read GRRRRR, imagine an angry dog fighting to hold on to his bone). Please don't let a bad attitude keep you trapped in a negative cycle! With God's help, you can break free and move forward.

Instead of staying stuck in that frustrated "GRRR!" mindset, decide to approach life with awe at the opportunity God has given you to shine His love and light in dark situations.

Start focusing on the God of Potential hidden in your problems. Choose to shift from being critical to offering praise, from complaining to complimenting, from condemning to extending grace, from feeling frustrated to being fascinated by God's amazing grace! Cultivating an attitude of frustration ("GRRR!") keeps you stuck, but being "GRRRateful" moves you forward productively!

As Paul wrote in Philippians 4:4 from his prison cell:

"Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say, 'Rejoice!'"

He modeled maintaining the right attitude even in very difficult circumstances. So can we.