Let's dive into a powerful truth today: embracing an attitude of courage. Joshua 1:9 (NIV) puts it this way:

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

Life is full of situations that can tempt us to shrink back in fear and insecurity. We face daunting decisions, overwhelming obstacles, and uncertain outcomes on a regular basis. In those moments, it's easy to let anxiety and self-doubt dictate our responses. But as followers of Jesus, we're called to live from a different posture—one of bold, unshakeable courage.

<aside> đŸ’¡ Key Point: Throughout the Bible, God repeatedly exhorts His people to "fear not" and "be strong and courageous." He knows that the enemy's primary tactic is intimidation and that fear is the opposite of faith.


When we give in to worry and dread, we align ourselves with the father of lies instead of the God of truth. But when we choose courage in the face of fear, we partner with heaven and position ourselves for victory.

Courage isn't the absence of fear; it's the resolve to act in spite of it. It's the willingness to do what's right, even when it's risky. It's the determination to persevere, even when quitting would be easier. And it's a non-negotiable attitude for anyone who wants to fulfill God's purposes on earth.

The great news is that we don't have to muster up courage on our own. The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives inside of every believer, and He gives us power, love, and self-discipline in place of fear (2 Timothy 1:7). When we feel weak and overwhelmed, we can lean into His strength and allow Him to fill us with supernatural courage.

Meditation on God's faithfulness is one of the keys to cultivating a courageous attitude. When we remind ourselves of the ways He's come through in the past, it bolsters our confidence that He'll do it again. Reading stories of courageous heroes in the Bible and throughout history can also fuel our faith and inspire us to take bold action.

Another way to build courage is to reframe challenges as opportunities for growth and trust. Instead of focusing on all the things that could go wrong, choose to see obstacles as invitations to depend on God more deeply. Embrace the stretching process, knowing that He's using it to develop endurance, character, and hope in you (Romans 5:3-5).

Sometimes embracing courage looks like stepping out of your comfort zone to pursue a God-given dream. Other times, it means standing up for what's right in the face of opposition or ridicule. It can involve having a difficult conversation, setting a boundary, or forgiving someone who's hurt you. Courage takes many forms, but at its core, it's the choice to obey God and love others, even when it costs you something.